Photoepilation (2)
The laser photoepilation has laser lights shots as principles. This light has to be fired very close to the skin in order to be absorbed by the hair melanin. This technique is more accurate than IPL photoepilation since the light beam is monochromatic (it helps light absorption of melanin). In this case, the light’s particles have the same wavelength and direction and for that reason, they have a better access to the root and it can destroy it. With the addition of diode, laser technology can be adapted to all skin types.
This treatment is appropriate for the most sensitive and delicate areas of the skin or with acne because it does not use creams, waxes and no frictions occur on the skin, which can aggravate the situation.
Photoepilation is the perfect solution for men who need to maintain a good appearance and they have to shave daily or they have to review beard hairs. If we have a lot of hair on chest, back, arms and legs, this treatment is especially effective if we apply the appropriate sessions.
The hair removal is a very common practice in today’s society. The excessive hair is uncomfortable, embarrassing and unhygienic. The traditional methods have a short-term outcome but they are painful, they produce redness, irritation and other undesirable side effects.
The photoepilation IPL or, Intense Pulse Light is one of the more effective methods to hair removal because of the convenience and the permanent results. This treatment removes hair follicles thanks to the beam of light that pierces the skin and it burns them to assure the weakening of the new hair’s birth. Because of this ability, the probability of producing buried boils or hair disappears.
For a better hygiene of intimate areas it is recommended the hair removal. The photoepilation IPL technique obtains long-lasting results and it is more effective than other depilation techniques like wax or depilatory cream which produce a lot of irritation or burn problems.
Athletes get a better level of comfort and performance because of hair removal that promotes the body’s sweating. In addition, the photoepilation reduces proportionally the odor causing microorganisms by burning the hair root.